Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I need friend help, why does she hate me?

So i've ben best friends with this girl for four years and we are a lot alike and she is one of the only people that under stands me. This past year has been going up and down, and then she starts to date my step brother and then we started fading. She started changing a lot and then she started hanging with this prep and we faded even more. a month ago we got into a fight because that morning i told her that i was annonced that i was the best wrighter in the school which really made me happy. but she turned around and told my other friend jaden, she didnt care for what i had to say and how im a poser. We dont look any thing at all and she said i was trying to have her hair. but she wasnt really talking to me that day so i asked her if we were cool and she said i need to stop butting into her relationship and i said that its not my fault he is my brother. we faught that day. but the last few days i have been having emotional breakdowns because i kp thinking of the good times w had spent together and we had some really really good times, so i sent her a opology, she hasnt messaged me back and its been a week. i know she is mad at me and i dont know what to do. she was my best friends and it makes me cry knowing that is over. Can you help me? Thanks.

Is this a good song/poem I wrote?

I like it except that the "holding water in your palms" bit doesn't really fit the song/poem. It's all about not letting things like ethnicity or religion keep true love apart. It has such a great message.

Im 13 and and this is my hair?

it kind of long by long i mean to my neck im an african american girl my beautican said my hair gets nappier faster than my sisters my hair is black and is dry and needs moisture what are some products i could use on my hair t help it and moisturize it also i was thinking about getting my hair cut for schoolnot too much but cut off a couple inches do you thinks its a good idea ......

Is this a good skin care routine?

I don't think it is too much. But I would break it up a little. Maybe you could use Clearasil in the morning and the Neutrogena could be used at night. Dont use both of them at the same time because that will just hurt your skin. Also, don't use the Walgreens Sheets too much because it dries out your face a lot if over-used.

Why do i eat such a big breakfast?

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What do people have against basements? Why is it an insult to say that someone lives in a basement?

I like basements. The smells, the moisture, everything. In fact, when I was a kid I chose the basement room to live in for a couple of years for a change of scenery. There is a nice feeling of protection too, especially during storm season.

Do i have an eating disorder?

You just have a slow metabolism, you don't have to eat as much because the food you do eat takes a while to break down and pass through.

Is it bad to stick to a water snack diet?

I think I'm overweighted now so if I ran a mile a day and stick to a 1 meal than for the rest of the time being water and snack diet, how many pounds would I lose in a week no better in a month. But I don't eat Breakfast and I'm staring to not eat after 6pm. Will I lose a to. Of weight? And consumer less than 1500 calories, how many weight will I eat and what time of day should I eat my one meal? Thanks, Racheal :)

Can I make my skin look thicker and healthier?

It's not just skin maybe. Try working on upper body strength to make your arms and stomach have more muscle. Keep using your mothers moisture lock. :D

What could these symptoms mean?

A few days ago, I was cooking dinner talking to my husband, when out of nowhere, I felt really hot, dizzy, and weak. I had eaten breakfast and lunch that day, and I was staying hydrated. Those symptoms hit me suddenly. Today, I got home from my doctors appointment, and suddenly and out of nowhere I felt the same way. Both times, I felt better once I ate something. I am 14 weeks pregnant, and today I went in for a glucose test...but they didn't tell me if my blood sugar was to high or low. All I know is I have to go in again. My mother and father both have Diabetes Type 2. I always get my blood sugar checked and it is always normal (except for today)

How much weight can i lose in 2 months with this workouts?

You absolutely can not exercise too much. Actually you should be doing Pushups and crunches, BENCH PRESS and MILITARY PRESS and BAR DIPS and PULL UPS. YOU ARE NOT EATING ENOUGH. Listen, you really need to stop this foo foo exercise routine and you need to be eating much more food. YOU NEED PROTEIN. YOU DO NOT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT, YOU NEED TO GAIN MUSCLE. Muscle weighs more than fat. You can quickly convert any fat into hard muscle by lifting weights for strength training. At your age your body is capable of producing massive amounts of testosterone that will help make you lean and muscular. Your lucky for that and you can instigate this through strength training and proper diet. You should alternate between cardio workouts and weight training. I mean if you starve yourself and burn massive calories like you are doing you will end up a skinny, 90 LB weakling and I know that is not what you are going for. You should be eating lots of lean skinless chicken breasts. stay away from bread. Eat lots of low fat cottage cheese. Drink 1% milk. Eat fruits and veggies, too. Eat 5 times a day, at the same times every day (this means eat healthy snacks so you can build muscles while speeding up your metabolism so you have lots of energy and can lift more. You should make the world your gym. Drop and to pushups several times during the day. At a minimum you should be doing at least 100 pushups per day, 200 crunches. Try benching as much weight as you can at 4 reps of ten. IMPORTANT: All of this should only be done if you are medically cleared for this type of exersize. Meaning it is a good idea to get a sports physical from a doctor and talk to him or her about your goals. Get strong, Be strong. You are not overweight, you are under-strong. You should find a workout partner so you have someone to spot you and you can push eachother. "One more man- - You got it". Don't be a puss. Feel free to grunt on that last rep, lol. Just DO IT!

Why do I have acne on my back?

You can get acne anywhere you have skin. There are body washes that will help nutregena makes one. Try an exfoliating body wash once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells frem your body, and it should start to clear up if not consult a dermatologist.

Should I cut down on her milk feeds?

My little one will be a year old on July 15 and is still not eating very well. She has a 200ml (7 fl oz) when she wakens around 6.30am, a bottle at 10am (180ml/6.5 fl oz), lunch at 12pm (pureed food and a yoghurt) at 1.30pm she has another 200ml bottle then at 4pm she has another bottle (about 150ml) and then her dinner at 5.30 (again pureed food with fromage frais or fruit) and then a 200ml bottle before bed at 7.30pm. I try to give her breakfast of baby cereal, weetabix or ready brek (contacted the makers to ask if it was okay for a baby and it is) but she won't always take it, at 10am I try to give her fruit but again, she won't always take any, she has her lunch okay but not very much and dinner time isn't really a problem. She won't eat textured foods, only purees (she has three bottom teeth and four top teeth) but I feel she's not eating enough for her age. My 2 year old was on table foods at the same stage and was still breastfeeding (my 11 month old stopped wanting the breast at 10.5 months). Should I cut down on her milk intake to see if she eats more solids. i've tried her with finger foods too but she just puts them in her mouth then spits it out again, she will eat bread/toast though. Any help would be appreciated, this is all new to me!

Could you create your own storm?

something scientists have been trying to figure out for decades. look it up, its all theoretical like you said. there are so many variables, trying to create storms just becomes frustration in failure.

How to lose weight? Nothing is working?

You are still growing because you're so young, so it's only natural that you are gaining weight. Don't worry about it.

Am I being too healthy?

I think you can get too obsessed with your food and health, and ironically by doing that you are not eating healthily because of lack of variation in your diet etc, i think you should concerntrate on what you eat and supplements a bit less, if your body needs nutrients it will tell you through cravings! eg - when you have low iron you apparently crave red meat x

13 Year Old Girl Skipping Breakfast & Dinner?

I'm 13 years old and I rarely ever eat breakfast. Only sometimes on Sundays.But on weekdays. I skip breakfast and wait for lunch. I do eat dinner. But 2 days ago, I just felt like I didn't have it in me to eat dinner. I wasn't full from lunch but I also wasn't hungry. Is this bad for me? I'm not trying to lose weight, I just don't know what I'm going through. There's been a lot of drama lately. And I feel like eating is what I have control of. I understand you can faint from this. But what should I do?

Rear Projection TV Problem?

I have the Sony 51" rear-projection TV KP-51WS520 and it started to have trouble turning on. It would work sometimes, but then stop working recently. When you try to turn it on it blinks 9 times, pause. I don't know if it is a failed bulb or problem with the circuit board. I looked around the Internet and I saw those two possibilities. I had the TV for about 6 years or so.

Oily skin question???

Is it possible for your skin to become extremely oily due to a lack of moisture? I use neutrogena acne wash and it makes my skin very dry. I was wondering if it is possible that my skin is oily in response to being dried out. My skin is so oily that I have to blot within 2 hours of washing my face. I read that your skin is only oily because it needs to be, is that true?

Calculating the equilibrium constant (Kp) for the reaction of CO and H2O and temperature?

You don't give enough information to answer the question. You are probably intended to look up either ∆G's of formation (or ∆H's of formation plus entropies).

Where did Noah's flood water come from?

The moisture in the atmosphere today is the same that was millions of years ago. There is not enough moisture in the atmosphere to inundate the earth including the highest mountains. Where did the water come from and where did it go?

How many calories are in this? Please answer :(?

I agree with the above answer. You are underweight and your diet is far too small to maintain a healthy weight. It's important to eat enough so your body has the energy to function correctly.

Preventing sweat-through-clothing while biking?

Cycling shorts and jerseys will help a lot. Trying to trap or absorb sweat will just cause you to sweat that much more. They make baggy shorts for mountain bikers. I can ride in 90 deg weather and not break a sweat until I stop but I am riding pretty hard. You want a material that doesn't absorb sweat like cotton. Keeping your body cool with help with your face getting red.

My nipples have white spots around them?

Hahah it's nothing bad hun I've got that and it's more visible when I'm due on my period :D nothing serious

How much do i have to water a newly planted hydrangea snow mountain?

It sounds to me like it's just going through normal transplant shock so I wouldn't worry too much on it unless it's still not doing well in a few weeks. Stick your finger in the ground near it and if it's moist then don't water. If it feels like it's getting dry then water until it's moist again.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is this a good plan for losing weight?

Ok so I want to lose my stomach fat to get a flat stomach before school starts. My plan is when I wake up I do simple exercises at my house like crunches, situps, pushups, etc. In the morning for about 30 minutes. Then I eat healthy breakfast's and lunch's. In the afternoon I'll ride my bike about a mile through my neighborhood. I eat dinner around 6 and then around 7 go on a short jog. I drink about 8 glasses of water a day and don't eat many snacks. If I do I'll usually have fruit or something. I just started this plan about a week ago and I feel great but do you think this is a good plan and if not what should I change? Thanks:) oh btw I just turned 14 if that helps:)

Bought a bunch of makeup, am I being ripped off? Please help!?

yes sephora is expensive, however they along with mac have some on the nicest quality and dependable items. laura mercier is really good, i love that line. but many drugstore brands are very good too and way less expensive. you just have to figure out which ones suit you and work for you. maybelline has some pretty good quality stuff. as for applying the makeup, i suggest you go look up some videos on youtube, they have beauty gurus who really know their stuff! i like rosebud143 and juicystar 07 :]

Calculate kp PLEASE HELP!!?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decomposes according to the equation H2O2(l) → H2O(l) + (1/2)O2(g). Calculate Kp for this reaction at 25 °C. (ΔH° = -98.2 kJ/mol, ΔS° = 70.1 J/K·mol, R = 8.314 J/K mol)

Will a steamy shower wreck video game consoles?

I was wondering if all that moisture in the air will wreck electronic devices like video game consoles or computers? I live in a small one bedroom apartment.

Need some Feedback plz....?

Thats great! Isaw you last question so ianswered it:) your meals loook great you will lose some weight fast with some aditional cardio maybe an hour would help... Iheard if you lower your milk percent its healthier.. But looks wounderful.. Glad.. I hope you keep it like that. Stay strong!

Humidity reading of 50 too high?

ok so I always think we have a moisture problem in our house and it is summer and our house always seems too muggy so I have the humidifier going most of the time. So I noticed lately that it is reading at about 50 all the time. Is this too high and a sign of a moisture problem. It seems like our air conditioner is shooting out water. It is keeping the house cool but seems to always feel damp and not a dry cool.

My Sony Wega tv wont turn on the standby light just keeps blinking 10 times what can i do the?

Serial # KP-46WT520 tv standby light keeps blinking, blinks 10 times then turns off sumtimes will turn on but just sound will come out for less than 1 minute what can i do? please help

Dry skin products...?

so i have been noticing some dry skin around my nose and all around my eye area so i thought i might try out some moisturizing products. i purchased the almay eye makeup remover pads and i normally get them in oil free but when i recently went i found they had a moisturizing kind so i got them and i noticed they are oily. after removing my makeup they didnt leave alot of residue of oil so it wassnt too bad. i was wondering if that is how alot of "moisturizing" products are? should i try a different eye makeup remover or is it oily to help add moisture? one more thing is i did notice that it helped the dryness. can i get another eyemakeup remover that will be less oily but still help with dryness? not too expensive!

Pulled pork ahead of time?

so were having a family cabin weekend and im responsible for lunch on saturday. now,i have made my pulled pork there before,but,i was wondering if i could cook the pork beforehand and shred it. then just bring my slow cooker,the shredded pork and the sauce along and let it simmer in the slow cooker for a while. INSTEAD of getting up at six in the morning and preparing it then. and taking the time to shred it etc. while at the cabin. or will it drastically change the moisture and taste if i don't do it all at once like i normally would do?

How do i moisturize?!?

Well use the cream cleanser to wash your face in the morning, then the toner, then the moisture cream,then you do the same thing at night minus the toner and instead of using the moisture cream use the night cream and idk what the skin exfoliater is for but all there products really help your skin stay really nice and healthy and clear and glowy and just really pretty.

So, is KP the only one who actually LIKES St Anger?!?!?!?

I actually like St. Anger too. If those songs were cut in half (like 4 minutes for every song instead of 8) they would be awesome. It can get boring just listening to 5-8 minutes of the same riff over and over again. But I think it did have some great tracks such as Purify, The Unnamed Feeling, All Within My Hands, Dirty Window. But it also had some really bad songs like Shoot Me Again and My World. Obviously its not anywhere near as great as MoP or RTL but still ok. People really give it too much crap. I wonder if anybody has seen the Some Kind Of Monster documentary. It clearly shows that St. Anger was basically a therapy session for the band. Without it Metallica may not even be together right now.

Recommend an oil-free & natural sunscreen for the face?

I am currently using Boscia's oil-free moisture with SPF 15, but it is very expensive at about $36 at Sephora and it comes in a rather small tube. Can anyone recommend something similar that might be somewhat cheaper? I'm looking for oil-free, specified for face to avoid breakouts, and natural (no parabens, harsh chemicals, etc.) Apparently it is impossible to find something that isn't harmful to your face in one way or another and can also protect you from the fun.

Do people with large foreheads look weird without bangs?

It's perfectly alright for you not to have bangs and reasonable considering the weather as of late. Sweaty bangs? Not cute. Since you have wavy hair I suggest going to your local hairdresser, telling him/her what you would like to do and have them suggest a hairstyle that suits your forehead and won't be so bothersome. Or, if that's not an option for you, you can browse the web and find pics of various hairstyles and see which one will suit you best. Good luck

When will my metabolism get higher?

I dont think 13 year old girls should really care about losing weight unless theyre significantly overweight.

How to get rid of KP on back arms and face?

After years and years and one year of high school I noticed how much I HATE my kp right now its bugging me. I see people with silky arms and idt about hair or anything but this kp is driving my head up the walll.... I hate that all these girls can wear tank tops to school and i cant cause of it.. and i want a nice smooth face too... PLEASE HELP ME. Im gettting desperate

Have I eaten too much ..?

You're not eating enough. That is a very low-calorie day you've had. You need more calories and you definitely need some protein and fiber in there. Also, I understand a hectic schedule, but you definitely need breakfast each morning. It helps with your metabolism.

Astronomy questions help?

To question 1, the brighter the star the lower the magnitude. You might want to take that into consideration before jotting down an answer.

Is the Neutrogena Healthy Defense SPF 30 Daily Moisturizer Light Tint?

I have a warm skin tone. I want something to protect my skin and yet give me some coverage. Is the Neutrogena Healthy Defense SPF 30 Daily Moisturizer Light Tint good for me? or is the Eucerin Extra Protective Moisture Lotion, SPF 30 better? What other ones would be good, I have a budget so anything less then 15 dollars is good! Thank you!

Is Katy Perry satanic?

Many of my friends are telling me that KP is satanic and not to listen to her songs. but some of my friends likes her. she is very inspring. eg. firework. ect. is she really satanice? as i do not want to listene to a satanice singer.

Effective nail growth product?

My nails always peel and crack. I've recently started applying extra virgin olive oil to my nails to provide them with moisture to help them stay strong but I want them to be longer faster. I was planning on buying NutraNail today but if anyone has used a product that was really effective please tell me. Preferably something I could find in Walgreens or any other drugstore.

Is there such thing as "Too much" moisture in your skin?

About a week ago I got severely sun burned.. It started up being just a little pink and as usual my skin dried up and started pealing then blisters appeared shortly after. My skin is starting to look really puffy now because the moisture is trapped in my skin. I took a shower and the water seeped through my skin and filled up in like pouches. My skin falls off by the touch I can simply rub it and it will fall off. Im very fair skinned and its starting to worry me can somebody help me? And I have very little pain besides slight stinging

This is my conversation with this girl i've never talked 2 b4 but ik her friends so i used that to talk 2 her?

In the beginning, it sounds like she knew you and was acting like she didn't at the same time on purpose, for example.. she suppose ably spelled your name wrong. Hahaha, seems good..

Is this healthy.................?

So i've been over my friends' house since sunday. We would go to sleep late then sleep late. We usually woke up after 12. We had breakfast around 1. We spent the days outside, then we had dinner around 7 or 8. After dinner, we'd go back outside. I got home this morning and I lost 9 pounds.

Does this guy want a relationship?

You missed the biggest sign he gave you. He said off the bat that he did not want a relationship. He then slept with you early on. When you are not with him he is probably sleeping with others so no, he does not want a relationship. He did say that he wanted a child so I would be suspicious of that and make sure protection is used. Him bringing you around his family means nothing because he is only looking for a friend. Keep your ears open because when a man is telling you what he wants you need to listen and not read actions. That's where us women mess up the most with men. He told you what he wanted so believe him. If you want a relationship he is not the one.

What should I accomplish first for weight loss, quit: smoking or eating fast food?

I am a smoker also trying to quit. I also am on a diet trying to lose as much weight as possible the healthiest way possible.I also like junk food. So, I suggest you quit the junk food asap first. That's what I did. You will pack on a few pounds just from indulging. I'm pretty sure you know that. Quitting smoking should be slower, you should really worry about yor health and fully understand why you need to quit. Slowly work your way their. If your smoking 5 times a day, automatically cut down to three. And stick to that for a few weeks. I'm down to about 2-4 cigs a day and I feel much better. I can handle a good workout much easier. Breath better at night. Walk up the stairs without the feeling of being choked to death. So yes you should keep cutting down your cigarettes. And if your like me, when you can't smoke you eat, then munch on the healthy stuff. Fruits are the best. Think of how young you are. Do you wanna age horribly due to smokin and eatink junk? IT WILL affect the way you age, think of your skin, your health. Your will power. Your stronget than that. You can do it.

Why does it burn afterwards?

I've increased the amount of fruit and veg I eat and have bran flakes for breakfast to make it easier to go to the toilet. However, when it is softer, I find I get a really bad burning sensation afterwards. Why is this?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Have you ever made Hamburger Helper with breakfast sausage?

My gf...I love her dearly..has been watching extreme couponing and bougth a gazillion HH boxes and tubes of Jimmy Deans because she had coupons and they were on sale. I want to see if combining the 2 would lead to disaster, but I was hoping someone came up with this brainstorm before I did and can answer my question. Thanks, F&D section!

Going to cedar point and I am on a diet, help!!?

I'm on weight watchers and going to cedar point this weekend with my friend and for breakfast lunch and dinner we are eating at a restaurant and eating at the park. Problem: I never see anything healthy or low calorie sold at amusement parks and same with restaurants, they're usually not 'diet friendly'. I already used all me flex points for this week and don't know what to do or expect. Any advice? Please help!! And if you know anything that they sell at stands there that is low calorie, like under 400 calories and not deep fried or anything(I like healthy options) please tell! There are probably salads but I would really like other options. Thank you!!!! Appreciate your time to answer.

Is there a stone that weeps?

I just finished watching the Pillars of the Earth miniseries and in episode 7 there is a "stone that weeps at night." I am guessing that this is a white mineral that absorbs moisture when it is heated by the sunlight, then at night when it cools it releases the moisture and appears to weep. I am just curious if this mineral actually exists or if it is something the writers made up for the story. I tried Google and found nothing. Does anyone know?

Why does this always happen to me?

im 13 and everytime i go to a theme park and i get off a scary ride icant feel my body and i feel like im dreaming!This is serious!BTW i did eat breakfast!This happened to me when i went to disneyland and sixflags this always happens to me!I got of space mountain on disneyland and i felt like was dreaming and i couldnt feel my body!HELP!

How is the share in property distributed to heirs and how long is a will valid.?

It might be difficult to prove the validity of the will if it suddenly materializes out of nowhere after so long a time. What has happened to the property in the meantime? If it has been in someone else's possession, remember that "possession is nine-tenths of the law."

Poll:What do you do Christmas eve?

I wake up and eat the last chocolate on the advent calendar and then breakfast. I watch tv then go to Price Chopper with my grandpa to get the big sandwich (i don't eat it). Around 3:00 P.M. my dad and siblings and step mom go over to my grandparents (i spent the night the night before) the adults eat and me and my siblings (my brother is 8,my sister is 5 and i'm 13) Go on the computer and track Santa Claus and call NORAD.We all give compliments to each other. My dad told me i was the smartest son a dad could have. Then i go home with my dad. Then my brother scolds me and tells me i need a haircut (he has a buzz cut and my hair touches my collar and covers my eyes) and then we wake up on Christmas morning and go to see what Santa Claus left for us. Then i go to my grandparents to open my presents there and then i go to my mom's family's house.

Safe to Eat 6 Month Expired Whey Protein Powder?

I stopped lifting weights for awhile and my protein powder expired. It was kept in my closet, so it has been in a cool and dark place. Also no moisture has gotten in so it hasn't clumped. I assume it might just start degrading a little and would still be fine to eat but wasn't sure. Internet search didn't really provide a definite answer. And since its derived from dairy. Has anyone eaten expired protein powder? Make you sick? Thanks.

Can you help me pick a moisturizer?

I have quite a lot of acne in the t-zone area, and I am oily there, but I am really dry on my cheeks. I guess I have combination skin. I'm using Clinique Acne Solutions Clearing Moisturizer right now, but it's SO DRYING. I would really like something that provides lots of moisture but is oil-free. I also like high end brands of products. 10 points for best answer! Please help?

Is this ok for my hair?

I want my hair to be clean, good smelling, but healthy. Is it ok to only wash your hair every other day? (dove daily moisture) would it make my hair more shiny to wash it every day? Oh, I use condiioner too btw

How to grow my hair longer?

Hi there! So my hair right now is right above my stomach (about). I would like to grow it out to around the waist area. I have layers, but not huge ones. They are just cut around the collar bone and those are my only layers. I have extremely thin hair so I have to wash my hair every day or every two days. I plan to use Neutrogena Triple Moisture shampoo. I do not use heat appliances, but instead brush my hair out. I often leave my hair in a bun because I read that one of the main reasons for hair stopping growth is because of breakage and the number one reason for that is because of the contact with fabrics. I recently got a hair cut about 2 weeks ago. I know that it really helps to use deep conditioner every week or 2 weeks. and to also use hair masks. I use hot water when I shower, not so good so I'll work on that. I have lots of vitamins and eat lots of fruits and veggies. What else can I do to make my hair grow to around the waist area?

My arms are so much darker than the rest of my body, it's so weird!?

My arms are so much darker than every other part of my body! My skin is very fair, but my arms are quite tan! I have keratosis pilaris on my arms, could that be the cause of the tan on my arms? How can I get rid of it? I DO NOT like tanning and I always wear sunblock so I don't tan, and I hate having dark arms, light shoulders, and light hands, plus a light face and etc! It just doesn't make sense, I really hate my arms since my KP is so bad, so I almost always keep them covered up... how could they be so dark?

Good places to eat in Haines city, fl?

We are staying with friends when we go to Haines city next month, can you recommend any good places to have breakfast/dinner? Mainly around the hwy 27 area. Obviously our friends will know good places but is there anywhere specific we should say we would like to visit? What do you think? Thanks in advance :)

What if i eat Subway for lunch?

So again, i just got a job at walmart for maintenance and im walking EVERYWHERE! for breakfast i usually eat eggs and whole grain toast with a fruit and now for lunch i gotta eat at work sometimes. Will eating a half a sub and a lite dinner help me shed a few pounds

Sulfur dioxide and oxygen in the mole ratio 2:1 were mixed at a constant temperature of 1110K and a constant?

Sulfur dioxide and oxygen in the mole ratio 2:1 were mixed at a constant temperature of 1110K and a constant pressure of 9atm in the presence of a catalyst. At equilibrium, one-third of the sulfure dioxide had been converted into sulfur dioxide. Calculate the equilibrium constant Kp for this reaction under these conditions.

Help with an equilibrium question?

Since adding heat lowers the Kp heat must be a product (since adding products pushes an equilibrium towards the reactants) Kc=Kp because Kp is only dependent on pressure and there since the molecules are in a 1:1:1:1 ratio the volume doesn't change hence the pressure does not change.

My ps3 controller stopped working!?

Ok so I can plug it in and it looks like it'll charge but it won't turn on after I unplug it. I've tried the reset button it didn't work. I accidentally got a little moisture in it I think and it just won't turn on. What should I do? Have you had this prob before?

Questions about Freezing?

freezing fruits/vegetables that are ripe and meat that is raw preserves the nutrients and allows it to be eaten at a later date.

Which do you think is sweeter for a guy to do?

I'm going to see my crush in the morning and usually she is still sleep but asked me to come visit her. I want to give her something or do something sweet to brighten up her day. Would it be nicer her I got her roses or buy her breakfast and give it to her.

Mental retardation? Do I have?

You cannot be mentally retarded I doubt you would be born that way and even though u had trouble with normal tasks such as shoe laces etc... There is nothing wrong with that u were probably just a slow learner thongs like that can be overcame... All u need is to take things one step at a time... Don't bite off more than u can chew... Set tasks u know are achievable and plan out a whole week so u feel as though your days aren't so monochrome (same) the more busy u are the easier life will be... if you are keeping yourself busy u will not feel as isolated as you won't have time. Your developing difficulties can be overcome like I said make targets and take things one step at a time and gradually things will get easier my friend. There is always someone less fortunate than yourself. Believe me things will get easier. If you feel your parents don't think there is anything wrong then book an appointment with your GP they will reassure you. Hang I'm there remember keep yourself busy and you will not have time to feel isolated in a room.

Red Raw wounds in belly button?

I got punched in the stomach the other day pretty lightly, but enough to kinda take the wind out of me.. It was my friend just messin around, ever since then ive had this really sore pain right at the upper part of my belly button going about 2 inches above it.. when i push down on it it just feels really sore like a bruise, sharp pain.. its really irritating when i bend forward or goto sit down, and it keeps waking me up from sleep every time i roll on my stomache (im 300 pounds 6 feet so definitely a big guy with a big gut) but the weird part is I looked inside my belly button and apart from being a little swollen and it feels all hot, theres a red raw scratch looking thing thats going from inside of my belly button down inside(where i cant see the bottom of it) and theres 1 other small red scratch/wound/rash in there aswell, same type but a lot smaller.. its definitely not red skin though its actually a wound i can see the moisture inside of it.. but its reallly light almost like someone scraped your knee really quick with a piece of sandpaper... anyways this has been happening now for 2 nights and its really annoying and starting to worry me.. i cant goto the doctors either so anything would help

How should I shave with KP?

I have KP (keratosis pilaris) on my legs and I'm not allowed to use any of the hair removal creams. Are there any good razors/products to use so I don't cut my legs when I shave?

How can i treat dry, damaged, curly hair?

I recommend Pro Naturals Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment with Heat Protector, it helps strenghten the hair that's prone to breakage, splitting or snapping off, gently smoothes the hair and form a protective mist on surface against heat damage, reduces friction from brushing and helps prevent further damage, leaves hair healthy, shiny and resilient and provides heat protection against electronic hair tools. Check it out at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . Hope it helps.

Is olive oil moisturizing hair lotion only to straighten hair ?

The root stimulator isn't oil that you should use on your hair...only on your roots. Olive oil lotion is fine. The line is fine for mixed hair. So is Silicon. It's a Dominican brand. Hard to find, but not that expensive.

Do guys find keratosis pilaris gross on girls? ...?

This is a very opinionated question. It all comes down to a person's ability to over look another's "flaws." Although, I personally don't go looking for flaws like that, nor do most guys (I assume). In short, my opinion is no, I don't think it's gross.

Why do i lose weight eating more meals?

when you eat more meals your bodies learns not to store extra fat because it knows it will get another sorce of nutrients sooner than if you ate 3 meals a day. Go to google and look up '6 meal a day nutrition' and read any of the heath blogs or papers

Some Tips To Lose Weight?

Ok i was prty fit earlier but now i hv becum overweight frm the last 1 yr or so. I go for running at tyms but m just not able 2 continue with it after a week or so. Neither i hv the stamina now nor the activeness to go fr it e'day. I am becomin lazier day by day and wen i thnk abt it i kp gettin more and more tensed as i am just 19 at the moment and m already having protruding tummy :( I love to play cricket but there is no1 near my place to play nor an academy nearby. I am vry upset plzzzzzz sum1 help me. Tell me what my diet should be and wat all exercises should i do??

What would happen to the position of the equilibrium if the reaction were to be cooled enough for water to....?

If you'r system were to make water then the balance would shift to the left, meaning that more water will be made. Look up Le Chatelir's rules on equilibrium

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I've got black/brown bumps all over my legs and butt?

I've had them for a very long time. I don't shave. I clean regularly. I don't use anything but St. Ives Oatmeal and Shea Butter body wash and lotion on my skin. I think it could be KP. (keratoris pillaris)

Help with braces......?

Okay so my orthodontist put this thig on my tongue that was supposed to make it so no moisture got to the glue. It really hurt me and i thing it mightve cut me a lill like, the area near my tongue. How can i get rid of the pain?

Mould/moss in my garden?

Just scrape it off. Apparently your moisture retaining soil is doing a bang up job. On the down side, salts could build up in the soil.

What do you recommend?

For as long as I can remember I had KP. For those who dont know what that is its when you have small red to dark purple like bumps on your skin thats not itchy or anything just there. Anyways, I have become so self conscious about my condition that I refrained from showing skin on my back, legs and some areas of my chest. Another thing with kp is that the bumps arent spread out but more commonly in one area. A bunch. There is no cure according to the internet and dermintologist. He told me give it til I hit puberty and should be gone. Im currently in high school and saw little to no improvement. If anyone knows anything about where I can get a treatment and what I should use plz tell me? Oh for the record, Dove, cocoa butter, aveeno dont work. If you know of anything JUST to help my KP plz advise me of it?

What in the world is causing my symptoms?

every once in a while i will start to sweat really bad but i will have goose bumps, i will get dizzy, my hands will shake really bad and i feel like i'm going to pass out, usually after i eat something i will start to feel better. i have had blood work before but the doctor said everything looks normal. this just happened while i was at work and i went to the snack machine and ate something and after about 10 minutes i feel back to normal. what is going on? i ate breakfast this morning and i'm not on a diet or anything.

Can I lose weight with this routine?

Yes you can but you need to lose the biscuits for dinner. If you eat carbs after 2pm it would not have time to digest properly and over night it would turn into fat. So instead of having biscuits for dinner I suggest you should have protein and veg instead and just cut of the fat from the protein/meat.

Will it take me long to lose the weight?

ok i weigh 182lb and i want to lose 50lb to get to my normal weight...for my diet im walking 4 miles a day...drinkin non stop water and eating a slice of toast for breakfast and a salad for dinner with no dressings...i am sticking to this long will it take me to lose the weight...i only eat this amount as im not eating after 6pm ...

Where is moisture in my attic coming from?

I had a mildew issue in my attic which was remediated (sprayed, scrubbed, painted with some protectant paint, and dried out with a space heater). We didn't have any issues with mold growth in the the house but we obviously didnt want to leave it unchecked, and no problems ever since. This winter I poked my head into the attic and noticed a good amount of frost, not a real thick coating, but a decent coating on the flat boards and nails. Ive been trying to figure out where the moisture is coming from. Nothing leaks when it rains, I sealed up every type of spot where heat could be getting up there through ceiling fans and things like that. Recently during a rain storm I noticed some water looked as though is was going behind my gutters and dripping off from underneath the gutter. Out of curiousity I looked back up in the attic, and sure enough there was a small spot of mildew in the proximity of where the water was running behing the gutter outside. What are the chances that water getting behind the gutter and soaking the fascia board could be the cause of the moisture in the attic, and if so is there a simple way to fix this? Thanks for any help, its would really set my mind at ease. Im going to take some pictures tommorow of outside and in so if those would help

What is a good additive to salt which can adsorb water?

I'm having a problem with moisture being absorbed by my salt compound. I would like to know if there is any additive I can apply to adsorb water (moisture) the salt. (NaCl) Thanks.

Is a hot oil treatment good for damaged Bleached hair?

I recently bleached my hair a few times and its very dry and damaged. But not beyond repair. What deep conditioners are good. Would a hot oil treatment be beneficial for restoring some moisture, nutrients and shine?

Insurance Question, What are Our deductibles?

Her deductible is exactly $1500, for her, per year. The deductible is not "for maternity" specifically. It is cumulative, for everything the person gets from the insurance policy.

Neutrogena Fine Fairness problem?

I have used Neutrogena's fine fairness cleanser-toner-lotion spf 30 combo before but because I had an allergy at that time I thought it best to stop for a while because my face swells and turns red. Now my allergy is healed and I decided to use it again. I tried the cleanser and mask yesterday and had no negative reactions. However, this morning I used the cleanser, toner, lotion, brightening serum and brightening uv moisture. By mid-morning, my face is itchy, red and getting swollen, the same as what happened before. Did I do something wrong? Maybe, I shouldn't have used the products simultaneously or should I stop using the product? Thanks in advance!

Concealer help? non drugstore!?

..I have keratosis pilaris. Its a skin condition that leaves red bumps on your skin. I dont really have it on my face but i have alot of redness on my cheeks that is there because of the kp. I need a really good concealer that will cover the redness on my cheeks and dark circles under my eyes & wont fade by the end of the day. any suggestions? Please help

I have some itch problems at night?

Ok so every time I try to sleep I can't because my legs start to get itchy. Also my back. When it gets around 3 in the morning I feel a lot of itchy bumps like some type of bug has pinched me or something. Its been going on for about 2 weeks now, and it went away for 2 days then it came back and then it went away and I thought that since I have KP that was the case but I don't really know what it is. It used to be at the side of my legs but now sometimes way smaller bumps have developed on my lower legs and have spread on my arms, but those are not noticeable. Also when I take a shower it goes away but then when I try it comes back. I really need help thank you.

I fell down then felt dizzy, couldn't see well and heard noises!?

Hello, I am an Emergency Medical Technician. Call 911 or have someone drive you to the ER. You may have hit your head and don't even realize it. Either way, go to the

Do these acne products cancel each other out?

I use clearasil ultra overnight wash, clean and clear morning burst, clean and clear deep cleaning for sensitive skin, neutrogena ageless intensives tone correcting moisture, neutrogena on-the-spot acne treatment, equate advanced firming eye day/night cream, and equate advanced firming and anti-wrinkle face and neck cream.

Why am i so hungry in the evening?

Why would you want to stop this? You're not eating enough during the day, it's a no-brainer that you're going to be hungry at night. If you feel like you need to eat something, eat! Stop restricting yourself.

Driving around with a gas leak...?

I have a 96 Accord, and when I look under the car, just about the middle of it, theres some moisture which I think is gas dripping.. it doesn't drop that much, but I want to get it repaired. How stupid is it to drive it to the mechanic.. I can't really afford to get it towed..

Tell me what u think of this poem?

this is a good poem.this is a feelingful and soulful poem.i like it very much.thanks for this beautiful poem.

How my HbA1c is more when my blood sugars are normal?

I recommend reading "Diabetes and You: A Comprehensive, Holistic Approach." It tells you everything about diabetes, including A1C levels. Hope this helps.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sorta Long Baby Name Game and Bonus Questions!!!!?

Luka doesn't seem to fit with the other three names all of which are great. One needs to be a multi millionaire to have that many children and educate them well.

Chemistry help with equilibrium problems !!!?

Im not trying to be mean but you should really try to figure this out and get the answers even if their wrong. It's good to learn from your mistakes so you can go back and correct what you got wrong so you can then get it right next time.

What should i do now?

I want to make her more horny than im already, i touch her down there but not literaly there she has trousers on what new things should i do to make it interesting i dnt wnt to kp dng the same thng 10 points

Is my dehumidifier working?

I bought a dehumidifier but no water is ending up into the bucket. Is it broken? Everything seems right? Or does my basement just not have moisture in it?

Bored of my routine and need something more interesting?

Check out the Fat X Program from It's awesome at burning off body fat and for getting ripped fast. The workout videos and diet info are free. It worked great for me. Good luck.

GUYS: Would you date a girl with this condition?

I have the exact same thing you do except on my arms and legs, what i found out i that if a guy likes you he wont care if you have the thing we both have, eczema, roseasia none of that will matter to him. and there i a cure kind of but it's this lotion you get from a dermatologist and i mostly don't use it but if you use in consistantly twice a day every day in a couple of months it'll go away but when you stop it'll come back so.. you jut have to keep putting it on

What is the best Organix shampoo to use?

I'm trying to look for a new shampoo to use. Right now I have KeraCare Dry and Itchy scalp, which works well on dandruff( Because I have psoriasis on my scalp) but is not sulfate free which dries out my hair. I've used Organix Tea Tree Shampoo and Conditioner. I loved the scent and my hair wasn't as frizzy. Which is the best Organix shampoo to use for moisture and strength. I was looking at buying the Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo and the Coconut Milk Conditioner. Is that a good combination?

How to maintain fire engine red hair?

Using something like the Manic Panic is a great idea! It'll keep it healthy and keep the color fresh. Mix in some of the Manic Panic with your shampoo and conditioner too.

My hair is so damaged like..OMG!?

I recommend Pro Naturals Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment with Heat Protector, it helps strenghten the hair that's prone to breakage, splitting or snapping off, gently smoothes the hair and form a protective mist on surface against heat damage, reduces friction from brushing and helps prevent further damage, leaves hair healthy, shiny and resilient and provides heat protection against electronic hair tools. Check it out at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . Hope it helps.

Cedar point on a diet help!?

I'm on weight watchers and going to cedar point this weekend with my friend and for breakfast lunch and dinner we are eating at a restaurant and eating at the park. Problem: I never see anything healthy or low calorie sold at amusement parks and same with restaurants, they're usually not 'diet friendly'. I already used all me flex points for this week and don't know what to do or expect. Any advice? Please help!! And if you know anything that they sell at stands there that is low calorie, like under 400 calories and not deep fried or anything(I like healthy options) please tell! There are probably salads but I would really like other options. Thank you!!!! Appreciate your time to answer.

Cedar point on a diet help!?

I'm on weight watchers and going to cedar point this weekend with my friend and for breakfast lunch and dinner we are eating at a restaurant and eating at the park. Problem: I never see anything healthy or low calorie sold at amusement parks and same with restaurants, they're usually not 'diet friendly'. I already used all me flex points for this week and don't know what to do or expect. Any advice? Please help!! And if you know anything that they sell at stands there that is low calorie, like under 400 calories and not deep fried or anything(I like healthy options) please tell! There are probably salads but I would really like other options. Thank you!!!! Appreciate your time to answer.

Best foundation to use for acne + continuous acne problems?!?

at the moment I've been using acne solutions foundation from clinique. i went to this foundation after nothing but clogged pores from covergirl. i usually only have acne on my chin so i was hoping that clinique would help. at night i wash first with a neutrogena pore cleanser, then with a neutrogena green scrub, then st. ives blackhead fighter, then clinique's acne solution. i also have a solution from the dermatologist which i put on my acne spots every night. I've had acne since 6th grade... in the same spot. you can see frustration here. I also don't wash my face in the morning, don't get mad i'll explain in a minute. I clean off the solution from the dermatologist with a washcloth with water, then put on cliniques moisture surge. i also have dry skin in the morning and by the end of the day it is very oily. the reason i don't wash my face in the morning is because if i have a few zits on my chin, when i wash my face it will somewhat pop the zit and foundation over a newly popped zit is not good. plus the zit continues to still push out all the stuff in it. acne ruins my life and after a number of visits to the dermatologist, nothing works. HELP!


Nivea should work for you, but since your hair is very dry with lots of protein your right that you need moisture. so natural oils should help your level of moisture. I use coconut oil in my hair to strengthen and grow my hair twice as fast i would definitely recommend it. but before taking my advice or anyone else's, i would ask a professional hairstylist first. hope i helped :D

What suits me more & tips please (Pictures)?

Did you ever think about getting a relaxer, straight perm? Or even getting it thinned, so it won't be so thick... Or if you just want to continue straightening it then you should do a conditioning treatment, or hot oil treatment every once in a while to keep it from getting damaged. Hope I helped (:

Keeping eggs and bacon fresh?

I'm planning a breakfast picnic and plan on grilling everything when I get to the lake. What do you suggest I do to keep the eggs and bacon fresh on the way there? Possibly for an hour or so?

Was this a good lunch?

I dont know why ppl ask questions about being a good meal or not. If you think its bad then dont eat it. But mainly just excercise!!! And btw thats a good meal anyways.

I want to buy this old house, no attic access but I'm worried the roof trusses are rotting?

This house has a really shallow pitch so therefore no attic, but I've been told there has been moisture in the ceiling and it needs venting. The house is 50 years old so how do i find out if the trusses are rotting before i buy the place?

Should i go for a walk BEFORE breakfast or after? ?

its 12pm and i havent eaten yet, i always go on a walk, so should i go now before ive eaten or after? Which is more beneficial? Thanks :)

Extending Shingles on Roof?

I had to extend the shingles on the rear of my house yesterday. Water was going behind the gutter and soaking the fascia board (which i believe was leading to a moisture problem in my attic) I did so by following some advice and sliding some aluminum flashing under the last row of shingles extedning them out over the gutter. Im sitting here thinking about it and I think I may have extended them too far, (about 2" out). I ran a hose on the roof for quite some time and got a good flow of water going into the gutter, nothign splashing over. I just wanted to see if 2" was actually too far where it could cause problems, becuase I keep seeing 1/2" to 3/4" as being the normal distance. Not really looking forward to climbing back up there just to puch them in another inch. Thanks for any help.

How to bring moisture back into my face?

I recently started using Epiduo to treat my acne and when I used it two days ago, it dried up my whole face and turned it red. I use Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel whenever my skin gets dry and it always does the trick, but it's not helping at all! I've tried several different products and it's only making my face drier. Are there any home remedies I could use to moisturize my face and not have it dry up again afterwards?

What is going on? I can't taste anything!?

On june 15th I was scheduled for Nasal Polyp surgery. After the first week the nose specialist put his instruments up my nose to start cleaning up the blood clots. Today I went to visit him again and he does the same thing except for it was more painful since he had to go deeper. He numbed the nose even. Apparently my left nostril is inflammed so he gave he prednisone and I have to take it for two weeks before seeing him. After the appointment I went and ate breakfast which I could easily taste. Now its the evening and I have no taste nor smell. Is the inflammation causing this? Help!

My dream last night really upset me, why would I dream this?

Ok so you're having a great, loving, caring time with your boyfriend think that everything is great. And it is. Then you go and dream of a fake ex, someone who's not even real, come in and mess it up. This is your own insecurities in real life rearing its ugly head up. Insecurities, I have a feeling that are just as fake as the dream chick. Also this could mean your anxious about the changes the relationship is going through. Remember all relationships change, for better or worse, and there's no reason to freak out about it or make up insecurities. My motto: if you can't change it; don't worry about it.

Shiseido or clinique?

Clinique is soooo much better, you will just have to live with the thickness.. clinique also is better for skin.

I really need help with my horrible skin.?

I have these small red bumps on the backs of my legs that are flat but are 100% noticeable in the light and they make me not want to wear shorts. I also have KP that i have tried exfoliating for a few weeks now but they just break open and I bleed. They're just so disgusting! I'm not able to go outside and enjoy my summer with family and friends because of how my skin looks. Then I have to hide it in school and when people see it they're like your skin is messed up and ****! FML. I really need help.

Will this help/hinder my weight loss/fitness?

Because I'm not too sure, currently working as a Sales Assistant in a furniture shop, and this includes warehouse duties, carrying 3 piece ...

Shall i divorce my alcoholic husband?

i have been married for14yrs but with my hubby for over 22yrs,i cant remeber any good times,just bad,we have 5 children,my hubby has never worked and drank throughout our marriage,i have had enough,of him promising me too stop drinking,he blames me for everything,we row constantly,and always on edge,i locked him out this morning,and for the first time in yrs,i have felt so relaxed in my home,i have asked him dozens of times too leave,his answer is why shoud i,but why should i go?,i started divorce proceeding 2yrs ago,but i lost my mum at the time,and he promised too change,so i stopped it,i have only stayed because of the kids,but he makes me feel sorry for him, the way he looks at me and says i love you,or starts crying,i cant even kp muny in my purse,he harrasses the kids for muny,i get accused of all sorts,i have totally had enough,when i try and tell him how i and the kids feel,he just says grow up phsyco,calls me dominating,as the kids give me the keep and not him,i will spend it on food,he will buy cans,he has had chance after chance,what shall i do,shall i ignore his promises and kick him out?

Binged at breakfast? Ughh?

This morning I had a little binge...I ate 2 servings pretzels, 6 Oreo wafers, 1 tbsp peanut butter, and 2 bowls of watermelon chunks. I exercised for an you think I burnt some calories?

Will this help me lose some unwanted pounds?

You could possibly eat smaller meals, exercise everyday for atleast half hour, then at least 8 glasses of water, or you u drink tea or coffee before a meal so your not hungry as much. good luck =]

Okay so i have a question about protein bars/shakes?

Okay so i go to the gym early in the morning, im usually there for an hour and a half to two hours. and when i get home im really hungry i usually have oatmeal or a fruit smoothie. But i was told by a friend that i should start drinking protein after i work out. So my question; is it bad if i have a protein bar/shake for breakfast? i've never had protein after a work out? so what do you guys think its the best type of protein? thank you :)

Dove Shampoo? Help me!?

I use Dove Cool Moisture and after i shower my hair is clean and all but the next when I wake up its all greasy and its like i didn't wash my hair. Why is this?

How much weight can i lose in two months on a diet?

so i wanna know how i can lose weight on a diet I've tried exercising and it just does not work i get tired and i barely have anytime to exercise..So i wanna know how to lose weight i wanna loose my muffin tops REALLY badly i look so bad and i just don't wanna know oh eat this and this and this food i wanna know like how much and what i should eat for breakfast,lunch,and dinner and how to not be tempted to eat junk food when its all over the kitchen So...please do help me :'(

POLL; would my diet be high protein low carb?

Well Protein and Fiber Make you feel full so those would be the two things you would want to have more of.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Exhausted!miss my GF!have **** loads of work to do!?

down to the point in an hour i have to go to work, im a waiter/Kp/pastry chef/barman yes i do it all normally at the same time and i have to go to work. im doing 40 hours a week. around full time college, and babysitting my brother after school for 2 hours i work double shifts at the weekend! i'm doing an apprentiship too and my Gf has gone and i can only think of her and i cant contact her today and i havent eaten or slept in weeks properly. o and im emigrating to Australia in a month. I'm gonna miss her soo much fml what do i do i think im gonna collapse right now ??????

Do you ever eat non-breakfast foods for breakfast?

Or breakfast for dinner? :) I just made some Easy Mac for breakfast this morning. And sometimes I eat pancakes or muffins and eggs and bacon for dinner.

Hair problems!? please help. ?

I recommend Pro Naturals Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment with Heat Protector, it helps strengthen the hair that's prone to breakage, splitting or snapping off, gently smoothes the hair and form a protective mist on surface against heat damage, reduces friction from brushing and helps prevent further damage, leaves hair healthy, shiny and resilient. Check it out at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . Hope it helps.

Please help me lose belly fat fast? I need to for my health?

Okay so i think i eat pretty healthy. I dont go out to eat. I eat eggs and meat. I excercise. I even bought the workout insanity to help me lost all this belly fat. But i just cant lose it. I have toned arms and legs but alot of belly fat. Like i dont get it. What am i doing wrong. I mean i eat late at night but its not like its a whole meal i eat. I'll like suger free frosted flakes with splenda and low fat milk.. I exercise 3 times a week. And when i excersice i go hard. I sweat till im dripping sweat. I keep working out till i wanna vomite. I mean i eat 3 meals a day. Lunch, breakfast, dinner. Something i think i over eat but i dont know. And if i eat bread its only 2 and no more. I gotta be honest i dont drink much water. But im dying to lose this huge gut. I wanna starve my self so it can go away. Its so embarrsing. I really wanna lose it. I dont wanna six pack i just dont want belly fat. Please any tips, meal plans, excerise tips, workout movves. Anything will work. Please. I dont want this body. I want a new one. Im dying for help. Please somebody help. Please :)

Find the temperature at which Kp = 13.0 for the reaction H2(g)+ I2(g) 2HI(g)?

Given: at 25 degrees C, for H2(g), H°f=0, S°= 131.0 J/mol•K; for I2 (g), H°f= 62.26 kJ/mol, S°= 260.6 J/mol•K; for HI(g), H°F= 25.9 kJ/mol, S°= 260.3 J/mol•K; assume that H° and S° are independent of temperature

UTorrent problem. Please Help.?

Sometimes my uTorrent download speed slows down, when normally I have a 220 kb/s download rate, sometimes it slows down to like 10 kp/s. I know the seeds aren't the problem because I'm downloading multiple torrents and all of them have healthy seeds. This happens a lot after I stop the downloads for a while and then start them again. What could be causing the problem? Should I pause them instead of stopping?

Why do weather people think hot and sunny is good?

Is there some law that weather people learn in school that requires them to treat hot, sunny weather as the best possible weather? I'm so tired of hearing them talk as if 105� F and no trace of clouds or moisture is somehow Paradise. It rains after months of drought and the weatherman talks about the "deterioration" in weather, even though the rain is desperately needed and the heat has been oppressive for weeks. Where do weather people get indoctrinated with this nonsense?

Can you tell if a plant needs to be watered by looking at its leaves?

I have an indoor Pothos, and sometimes I think I can tell it needs to be watered just by looking at the leaves. It's like they look "thirsty" to me, they look kind of dry, and they're a lighter shade of green. The thing is when I put my finger in the soil to check if it's dry, I think I can still feel a little moisture, and my plant has had problems with root rot before, so I don't want to water it until I'm sure the soil is dry. Am I just imagining things?

Help with Damage Dry Hair?

I relaxed my hair 2 weeks ago. I want to color it tomorrow. My hair already sheds a lot and I don't want to damage it more. I was going to dye it, wash it, then deep condition it. Should this help the moisture and shedding?

Is this ok to eat in a day to lose weight?

For breakfast 3 cruskits with cheese and pickles( I used 2 medium sized pickles and 2 light cheese slices). For snacks I had 3 pickles(medium size). I had a small chocolate yogurt which I know I shouldn't of had, but it was small and I was craving it badly. And for lunch I will be having vegetables( broccoli, 3 carrots, 1 onion, 200g of mushrooms, and I will add salt and a teaspoon of margarine to it.

Help! Please rate my diet for the day. For Breakfast, I had a Subway eggwhite 6 inch on flatbread with cheese?

and for Lunch , I had a glazed doughnut. Dinner was tea with lemon. I know, I didn't do great, but I think the "light" dinner balances it. Thanks. Also, I normally NEVER get cheese on my sandwich, but this morning, I was just wanting a little splurge.

Do i have an eating disorder or is this like mental or something?

Okay so i had read that by starving and then eating a lot you will gain weight... And i really want to gain weight, i weight 90 pounds and im 15... Anyways so i skip breakfast and lunch and just have dinner... So far no results so i wanna stop eating for a couple days then eat a lot and see what happens... But do i have an eatting disorder? I mean im not worried of getting fat, i want to get fat to weight more...

Does walking help to tone/ lose weight off of thighs/ stomach?

I like walking... I find it relaxing and calming! I have 22 days until I go on holiday and was wondering if I walked a mile in the morning (after breakfast) and a mile in the evening ( after dinner) would it help to tone up my legs and lose the extra bit of fat around my stomach! I'm not too overweight I weigh 119 pounds and i'm 5' 3". I'm also eating more healthy and taking colon cleansers and acai berries!

Why is this hydrocolloid band aid pillowing out?

So, I have a wound on my leg and on my foot. I have a special band aid on each. They are waterproof, seals in moisture, and cushions the wound, and can be worn for up to 7 days at a time. I noticed the wound on my leg, the band aid is pillowing out. What does this mean? That wound is particularly sore. Does it mean there's just more weeping fluid coming out or why is it doing this?

I dropped my ipod touch 4 in wet flour?

so i was cooking and i dropped my ipod in wet flour...everything works fine except for the speakers. The sound is only working when the headphones are plugged in. My friends told me to put it in a dried rice because it will take out all the moisture so i did that. What else can i do?

My friends mom whats me. What should i do?

Im 18 about to be 19 and i have know my friend and his mom for about 4 years now. She has told my friend (her son) that im cute and everything. I actually moved in with them for a few months because of some stuff that happened at my house. She has always said thing that make me think she wants me. Examples. One time we were all out eating breakfast and my friend says "dude you take forever to eat" then his mom says "you know what they say about ppl who eat slow? they are great in bed." Another one would be say me and my friend were watching tv, she would come and touch my hair. We have talked about sex a few times and the conversations got VERY detailed. She was in a long distance relationship but, they just broke up a few days ago. So if this would be the best time to try anything with her this is it. Now here is what i need your help for and please dont post if your not trying to help because this is serious. So my friend is leaving with his dad to go on a trip tomorrow. My plan was to go over to the house a little bit after she got off and say i forgot my key in the house and no ones home. So that is how i planned to get into the house. The only thing im having trouble with is i dont know how anything is going to happen. I dont wanna like whip my thing out and be totally wrong about all of this. I just dont know how to make her know that im ready if she is. I want to make a move "without making a move" if that makes any sense. She is a really cool person and i just dont want to make things weird. Even if we do or dont things are going to be weird and i dont wanna lose my friend, but life is all about taking chances and this is a chance im going to take. So what i need help with is like what should i do? Do i just go in there and tell her that i think she has the hots for me? Like i just dont know what to do. So if you could please help me i would appreciate is soooo much, and please dont post stupid things.

It the nivea kiss of moisture a good lip balm?

it's okay i recommend the normal cherry chap stick because the nivea one only moisturizes my lips for like 20 minutes then makes it really dry so i have to keep reapplying it

How many calories is this? And is this enough for a 5'4 14 year old girl?

Wtf.. Dude you need to eat.. like real food.. Its sad to see how everyone eats rabbit food.. Geeeez.

Is it normal to have green poop?

i haven't eaten as much as i normally do, not as if im starving myself but sometimes i go without dinner or breakfast because im not hungry. but lately ive been having to use the bathroom alot and im not sure if this is something i should see my doctor about.

Is this a good meal plan for 17 year old female?

wholegrain is good to you, and you can also drink more fruit juices, skip chicken or steak in the first three days.

How does the average French family live (traditions and culture, etc)?

Chocolate in puff pastry (Pain au Chocolat) is a common breakfast. They have a more 'continental' breakfast. Pastries, bread, fruit, etc.

What are the best/worst ingredients that are found in body lotions? I know mineral oils are bad, any advice?

I'm looking for a lotion, preferably found at the drugstore that is good for keeping the moisture in my skin. I know mineral oils and alcohols are bad but any other advice as to the good/bad ingredients or what I should be looking for in lotions? Any advice is appriciated! :)

Why is my face still dried out and what's wrong with my lips?

this past thursday my mother bought me a new acne wash: Clean & Clear advantage 3-in-1 foaming acne wash. Well I used it that night while I was in the shower and when I got out my face was kinda shiney and tight (my skins usual response to anything even soap) I continued to use it during my shower for the next two days. My skin did in fact clear up considerably but when I woke up on the fourth day my whole face hurt and felt chapped even my lips. My skin was completely dried out and it hurt too much to put any kind of moisturizer on it. I kept applying moisturized chapstick (carmex moisture plus) to my lips but they were swollen and the corners would crack. If I touched them they were smooth but they were still dry. 3 days passed and i hadnt used anything to wash my face except for water and my mom bought me some aloe vera lotion which has helped my face quite a bit but its still dry and my lips are still quite swollen. the only thing is now when I put on chapstick I get a clear liquid coming from my lips that surfaces over the lip balm. My mother says she thinks I may have gotten blisters in my lips from the chemicals in the acne treatment and that I was probably allergic, but I've taken benadryl but recieved no results or change in my face. I don't know what's going on and I need to find something that can moisturize my skin and fix my lips. Help?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Help with a "Sims 2" pregnancy ?

Umm I don't think so. I mean I was so innocent and didn't even think of drugs. But no, I have never had a messed up pregnancy on that game and my sims used that thing all the time.

Can I recharge silica gel crystals (cat litter)?

I got the 4lb bucket at Safeway of Priority Cat Litter Silica Gel Crystals for use as a drying agent. Most silica gel is rechargeable and you can bake the moisture out, do you think it would be ok to just pour some out in a pan and bake it at 300 for half an hour

What can I do for my keratosis pilaris? (KP)?

Are there any moisturizers that work well? Home remedies? Something topical? Any help appreciated. Thanks!

My car overheated while the engine was off and radio on. What's the problem?

My car had overheated last week so I took it in to get fixed. They replaced the thermostat because that was the only thing they thought was wrong. Everything has been fine since, except today when I went out. I drove the car about five miles then parked, turned off the engine and turned on the radio. I was sitting there for about ten minutes when I noticed steam coming from the hood. It had overheated. Any ideas what the problem is? I was told that it could be the thermostat is blocked and the blockage needs to be cleared. I just want to know before I take it back in tomorrow. I noticed that after I let the car cool there was moisture around the cap.

I Need Outfit Suggestions Please?!?

Aloha, I'm going to Great America in California tomorrow! FunFunFun! But the BIG problem is I have no idea what to wear. I was thinking a summery dress with some leggings that are a bit below the knees, but I wouldn't want it to go flying right? Haha, also, I'm going with my school. It's a private school. So it has to be appropriate. Like, short shorts are a big no no, and shoes. I was going to bring flip flops and take them off on the rides. If that's okay. Lol, and I don't have a big collection of shoes...So yeah. And I live in a most of the time cold city, so I don't have much summery clothes. In addition, I have KP. It's also known as the chicken skin, etc. And it's really embarrassing to show my arms. It's on my upper and lower arms. And nothing above the knees please. ._. Finally, I'm only fourteen. So keep it age appropriate! Thanks in advance and God bless!

IPod touch got wet and doesn't work? Where can I get repairs done?

I recently forgot my iPod out in the rain for a little over 5 minutes. It had a hole in the bottom corner from when I dropped it a couple months ago but it still worked fine. After I realized i left my ipod out, i quickly brought it in, dried it with a towel and turned it on to see if it was still working, and it was. When I got home a couple hours later, I wanted to check my iPod for something, and it wouldn't turn on. I figured that the battery must've been dead so I plugged it in to the charger and nothing happened, i tried to plug it in to the computer and that didn't work either since iTunes didn't pick it up. I left it in a bucket of uncooked rice for 24 hours to see if that could get any of the moisture out, but when I tried to turn it on.. nothing. Are there places where I could get the iPod fixed because there's a lot of stuff saved on my iPod that i'd hate to lose :\ I hadn't synced my iPod to my computer for months so I got a lot of songs and apps that aren't saved to my iTunes on my laptop. Would it be easier to just get a new iPod or is there still hope for this one? Would Best Buy be able to fix it? (my apple warranty expired about 9 months ago, so I would paying for these repairs out of pocket)

Casein and Whey protein?

is it good for me to use the casein protein at night and take the whey protein after my workout? I have been trying to figure out if it is good or not, also is a pre workout worth it or should i just wake up an have a good breakfast?

Why is asking for a well-done steak usually frowned upon?

most likely because of the term used... ''well done'' as opposed to ''not properly done'', so it doesnt sound polite, even though the meaning is different.

Healthy dinner ideas for a off schedule?

I'm camping and I'n very Off schedule for breakfast I had a 100 calorie box of cheerios, and 2 of these mini Quaker oat crisps things. I didn't have time for lunch And I'n not sure what to have for dinner?? I need something under 400 calories with maybe 2 or 3 components:) thanks

Omg!!!!! i finally had a dream but.....?

you were probably tired from your exercises. and while falling asleep, you probably were thinking about your bf without realizing it. try thinking about him before you go to sleep again and youll most likely dream about him. this happens to me a lot. think good thoughts about him and about how happy he makes you. maybe youll have an even better dream?(: haha good luck!

Does this sound like a healthy dinner?

So I'm on a diet and I'm trying to decide what to eat for dinner. I guess I'm just more trying to eat healthy and watch portion size then be on an actual diet. I normally eat 1,500 calories a day and I try to burn off 500 every day which should result in a 1 pound weight loss every week. For breakfast today I had a smoothie that I made myself with 1 banana and 1 cup of vanilla soy milk accompanied by a tray of ice which was about 200 calories and for lunch I had a peanut butter sandwhich on wheat bread with an ear of sweet corn and a cup of apple sauce. That all adds up to around 710 calories so if I want to stick with eating around 1,500 then I guess i have a lot of calories for dinner tonight. I was thinking I piece of grilled chicken which is about 120 calories an ear of corn which is about 80 calories and a plain baked potatoe which I've heard a hundred things about that they have 160 calories and that they have 300 calories and that they are healthy and that they are horrible so I don't know if I should eat it or not.

I am making a dehumidifier.?

For that i need a paper sort of a film to hold the desiccating powder over the wheels of a fan.....pls suggest me some sort of filter paper or smthing that cn allow moisture from air to pass thru bt at the same time hold the powder in place......(smthing easily available would b convenient)

What is a good breakfast to eat for a bodybuilder trying to gain more muscle mass?

Go to the grocery store and go to the fruit and vegetable section. Get every color of the rainbow in friuts and vegies. cut up a bowl full and cook up some egg whites and you will have the best overall breakfast you can get.

Is this ok to eat in a day?

for breakfast 3 cruskits with cheese and pickles( I used 2 medium sized pickles and 2 light cheese slices). For a snacks I had 3 pickles(medium size). I had a small chocolate yogurt which I know I shouldn't of had, but it was small and I was craving it badly. And for lunch I will be having vegetables( broccoli, 3 carrots, 1 onion, 200g of mushrooms, and I will add salt and a teaspoon of margarine to it.

What is a really good tinted moisturiser for summer?

I'm pretty much the same as you, but I don't have dry skin.. I used to, but I started putting Sudocrem (nappy rash cream) on my face every night, sounds odd but works well for me!

Good conditioner for THICK LONG STRAIGHT hair?

Yes I would go back to Pantene. Im growing my hair out and i started using Pantine Beautiful Lengths. It works really good. I would suggest cutting the ends every 2 months to get rid of the split-ends to keep your hair healthier.

Best foundation primer for oily skin? PLEASE HELP!?

smash box photo ready primer they have simples in the front of sephora for like 13$ that is the best one they have one for oily skin and dry skin so. and the mac prep and prime looks so good *** well you can get it in the loose powder or liquid .liquid would be best for oily skin so.

How do I remove blackheads on my nose?

You never get rid of white/blackheads "for good". You have to get rid of them, then maintain a regimen to minimize their recurrence. You have a few options that I've used- Pore Strips, Blackheadmask-Before you use any method, I would recommend that you STEAM your face first. Be careful though. Get a pot, fill it half way with hot water, get it to boil. SHUT OFF the stove, and place your face above the steam. Again, be careful. You can also get a towel, soak it in hot water, and cover your face with it. Just make sure it's not hot enough to burn your skin. Then, do whatever treatment you want to do. After the treatment/strip/mask- Rinse your face with COLD WATER, then close your pores with either 1.salicylic Acid, or 2. Benzoyl Peroxide/acne medication 3. Sulfur ( I use de la cruz 10% but it is very drying) 4. Tea Tree oil (I'm going to be trying this one soon) to kill the bacteria that causes them in the first place. Go to if you'd like to purchase the mask (20$) but shipping takes a couple of weeks. Hope this helps. Good luck!!!

Give my wife EVERYTHING she wanted for Valentine's Day, yet she is mad.?

After posting this so many times, it's STILL not funny - weird, huh? Maybe if you keep posting it, it will somehow magically become funny...

How can I feel more confident?

Start by simply exercising. Tone what you don't like. Just pick like a half hour 3-4 days a week and be like "I am going to make this a priority." Pick out things on yourself that you do like. The next time you look in a mirror don't say "ew my butt looks huge." Say "wow I really like me eyes." Also, stop looking at people who are ridiculously perfect. They are one in a million. You can't compare yourself to others. You are an individual. While you work on your shape, do other little things to make yourself feel good. Get your hair and nails done. It always makes me feel good. Or even just work on a tan.

Please help me with this kp/kc reaction problem!?

The equilibrium 2NO + Cl2 <--> 2NOCl is established at 500 K. An equilibrium mixture of the three gases has partial pressures of 0.095 atm, 0.171 atm, and 0.28 atm for NO, Cl2, and NOCl, respectively. Calculate Kp and Kc for this reaction at 500 K. [R = 0.08206 L.atm/mol.K].

I have left over puerto rican rice and want to eat it for breakfast, what should i serve with it? thanks?

Beat two eggs and set aside. Reheat the rice in a non stick frying pan over medium low heat for a few minutes, then add the eggs to the rice and allow to cook for a few minutes then flip over and allow to cook until egg are cooked through. Serve with salsa and toast and you're good to go.

What are tiny white bugs that look like dust that are found in the garbage?

My boyfriend was taking the garbage out and found this bug that was extremely tiny crawling all over the garbage bin and microwave. Before I just thought that we had mold under the sink because there was a lot of moisture but they keep coming back. PLEASE help!

Oily and frizzy hair home remedy?

I have really wavy/curly hair and it's really frizzy but very very oily at the same time.Is there anything I could add to my hair that would make it less frizzy without adding moisture to it?

Equilibrium - having trouble with third section of question?

I guess you must use the concept of mass here(which is density * volume). You can determine the density using mole fractional value

Where can I buy Neutrogena hair products?

Specifically Neutragena Triple Moisture Silk Touch Leave in, I live in Canada and so far the stores ive been too dont carry it, do you have to buy it online?

How does moisture content of soil affect Drosera (sundew)?

i'm going to do fieldwork on this plant within a hydrosere and am making the hypothesis that 'there is a significant correlation between the % cover of Drosera (sundew) and the moisture content of the soil, but i'm struggling to find anything to biologically prove this. i would be grateful for any help, thank you

Rice to dry out my camera?

I went hiking yesterday and my camera ended up taking a dip in the creek. It wasn't on when it went it (so no electrical current was flowing through it to get fried) and it was only in the water for a few seconds. I immediately removed the battery. On the way home I could see condensation behind the screen. I figured I'd try the rice trick because I've heard it works. I put it in a bag of rice last night and I checked it this morning and the condensation in the screen is gone. I'm afraid to use it now, just in case there may still be some moisture inside. How much longer should I wait before using my camera again?

How much weight could i potentially lose?

Im a 21yo male. I weigh 187lbs and im 5'7'' .A month ago i switched from drinking 6-7 dr peppers a day to drinking nothing but water. I stopped eating fast food often. I try not to add table salt to anything, i also cut out little snacks. I eat about 400cal for breakfast and about 500-800 calories for dinner, i dont usually eat lunch but every once and awhile ill have 300cal for lunch.... Is this ok? also would eating lunch help my metabolism stay active until i eat dinner? How much weight could i potentially lose? Before i started all these changes, the highest number i seen on the scale was 198 and i usually weighed 196.xx. Is that good progress for a month?

Ho is best anti virus for LG kp 500 (android)?

Hey There are many anti virus apps............It is difficult to zero down and say Ho is the best....!

Good places to eat in Haines city, fl?

We are staying with friends when we go to Haines city next month, can you recommend any good places to have breakfast/dinner? Mainly around the hwy 27 area. Obviously our friends will know good places but is there anywhere specific we should say we would like to visit? What do you think? Thanks in advance :)

Lip infection -- healing, and hard lips?

first of all never pick at or peel them. and never lick them. just leave them alone don't even touch them. just apply aquaphor or vaseline to them and then leave them alone. theyll get better fast if you do that.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to get nice legs?

Try Venus Embrace it's really good but change the razor tip every month because it wears down and doesnt do as well of a job. If u rnt happy with that then just buy waxing strips after u let your hair grow longer

Is it true you can't model if you have KP ("chicken skin")?

They could photo edit it out, but it would be more work than just using someone that already has non-kp-skin. But if you're like drop dead gorgeous, they would probably Photoshop it out.

Is it a good idea to take protein powder as a meal replacement in the morning?

I usually take protein powder at night after the gym. Since I don't eat breakfast, I was thinking if it would be a good idea to have a protein shake in the morning as a meal replacement. Thoughts?

Consider the reaction: NO(g)+NO2(g)--->N2O3(g) (reversible) for which Kp=2.00 at 20 C. A mixture of NO(g) at?

I am going to help you first, and if you can't figure it out, I will be more detailed. You can solve for the volume... You know Kp, and Kp is solved by putting the partial pressures of the products over the partial products of the reactants. Once you have that solved, PV=nrT should be easy.

Is ellen s staff doin thier job?

I read my daughters emails to friends said my daughter and othas hav wrote to her over 4o times.I gave my permission to ellen to read my daughters e mail because she is only 12 yrs daughter is writing for the first time in trust with her feelings an I no wen my lil 1 asks me if she can write it because she wants me to b proud of her an I will b happy again I was shocked.I still don't no any detail mckayla wrote to friends told my kid to giv up an I feel its not ellen but her staff that nd to put a catergorey or subject an maybe my daughta will b heard or maybe not but I believe ellen has heart an I wonder if my friends r rite that ellen has a web full of open catergories an says I wanna hear from you but not with much hope they kp saying she's not wat I think she is an I wanna b leve if u sayy e mail me tell me ur story at least reply

Poll: Is my boyfriend a jerk?

We were having breakfast and this woman was breastfeeding her baby. My boyfriend turn to her and says, "Pardon me, can I trouble you for some milk for my coffee?" she got so offended she packed up and left. I left to because of the embarrassment. Is this a jerk or does he think he is some kind of comedian?

Should I remove leaves under bushes or does it help them?

It is indeed nature's mulch, but if slugs are a problem for you, this is their haven. Also, if there were insect or disease problems last year, this mulch can harbor them. Otherwise, I say leave it.

Is this healthy eating?:)?

Make sure you are getting at least 50 mg. of protein daily, and not all from carbs. Carbs aren't so great for you.

If i woke up at 1:00 pm should i be eating lunch or breakfast?

lunch or breakfast? and if "brunch" what should i eat? (im on a strict healthy foods diet)

What's better for damaged hair? It's a 10 Miracle Hair Mask or Neutrogena Triple Moisture Deep Recovery mask?

I have terribly dry and damaged hair from swimming all summer and flat ironing daily (not in summer, but the rest of the seasons because i cut it short. im a boy) so im debating; which of the two masks are better and why?

Do you have a record player?

Yeah its my dads from when he was a teenager this one time he made me go searching for a belt for it, lmao.Whatever is by Aerosmith or Def Leppard in his shelves I love. I would really like to own the very first record ever made!

Teen losing weight help!?

Drink 16 oz. of water every morning right away when you wake up. It's a good kick start to your metabolism for the day.

Condominium insurance question?

My condo had a loss in the kitchen and breakfast area. The insurance policy from our condo association (i.e., not my policy) covers the loss, and that is not in dispute. What they did was rip up the damaged half of the floor in the breakfast area, but held off ripping up the remainder of the floor. The contractor used by our association for repair work says that repairing and replacing the floor in the kitchen will require moving appliances which they are not paid to do. How can this best be resolved? I want my floor like it seamless expanse from the kitchen right through to the breakfast area. Should I have to pay for moving appliances? In our state (Mass.) a licensed plumber is required to disconnect and reconnect the dishwasher and this won't be cheap. Thanks for any replies!

Does anyone know of a pub in Queenstown showing the Haye vs Klitschko fight?

I'm in Queenstown for a few days and want to watch the Haye vs Klitschko fight. I know its pretty unlikely that a bar will be showing it since it will be on at breakfast time over here, but thought I would ask just incase! Cheers!

I have dandruff and it's sad!?

I found some 2 days ago. :( It's a tragedy because now I feel dirty and stuff. It's nothing major. It's a just a little bit. I wash my hair every other day, do you think if I start washing it every day, with Humectanct Moisture from Sauve, would it help get rid of it? If not, what would you reccomend?

Is it safe to use KP jelly if you have a peanut allergy?

Do you mean KY jelly? KP is a peanut company and KY is a lubricant company, they are totally different. KY jelly contains no peanuts so go ahead and use it :)

Reccomended foundations for dry skin, please?

i have very dry skin, but i have a few spots and i don't feel comftable going out without makeup, so i like abit of foundation on me. but with the previous foundations i've used, they all just dry up on my skin and look terrible. can anyone reccomend any moisture enchanced perhaps foundations to me? many thanks! (DO NOT reccomend maybelline 24 hour stay, HATE the stuff)

What's wrong with my eye?

Visit your optician. Your eye might have some sort of infection or it may be inflamed. Your eye doctor should prescribe the correct drops for your condition.

Is it good to workout in the morning without eating breakfast?

Should someone workout in the morning, i.e as soon as they get up without breakfast or does someone have to eat breakfast before working out. I want an effective workout, like burn as many calories as possible, does this matter?

I have a messed up sleep schedule, will this affect my diet?

Right now I got a messed up sleep schedule again, and that makes me stay up all night, and sleep for most of the day, usually skipping through breakfast and lunch time. When I get up I eat cereal, then at 5:30pm I would usually exercise, most of the time it is for 20 minutes, I switch to running then weight lifting the other day. Then dinner around 7 and maybe a snack later. It's summertime and I just want to know if this will affect me badly. I'm eating healthy and exercising at least, a lot of people would want to be in my shoes.

Why does my private part produce moisture after sex?

Your "private parts" are always producing moisture. It how they stay clean and remove dead cells. Why do you produce more after sex, the blood flow to the area is increased, the hormones produced during sex are still in your system, the stimulus to the area is higher and the body contact and activity has opened skin pours in your "private areas" which increase the release of fluids.

What do i put on a burn thats cracking?

First thing is to make sure it stays clean. As long as it's not turning red on you (sign of infection), you might try putting a little Neosporin ointment on it. That'll keep it from drying and cracking, and also provide some antibiotic protection. The other poster suggested aloe vera--that is good, but for myself, I'd prefer the antibiotic ointment. If it is infected, then I would suggest you go visit your doc.

Any coupons on The Falsies Mascara or Dream Mousse?

Does anybody know of any online coupons for Maybelline's The Falsies Mascara, Maybelline's dream Matte Mousse Foundation, or rimmels moisture renew lipstick? Thanks!

Tv commercial about cooling bed sheets?

There was a tv commercial that was talking about bed sheets that keep you cool by absorbing moisture and stuff. I know the name of the cover is close to the way you spell Sheets but it's different like sveets or something like that. I want to know the name of it and if you know if it works or not that would be helpful.. It was on kind of late and maybe on nick @ nite if that helps any

Metal container for a planter?

I have a decorative metal container which I would like to use as a planter. I would like to drill some holes in the bottom to allow water to drain out, but is there anything else I should use below the dirt so that it won't retain too much moisture?

My parents ignore me?

Well, if they do that they're pretty childish. First of all, your more mature than your parents are. And them ignoring you like that, you need to do the same thing back. If it's stupid reasons like that, and they force you to give in and say sorry, don't. keep ignoring them. It sounds stupid to ignore your parents, but that may be one of the few solutions. just ignore them for longer, and when they need somthing from you, you won't give it to them.

Do you have any good recommendations for a moisturizer for oily skin?

go back to the clinique counter and tell the lady that you have MOST deffinitly a very oily skin and you want the Clinique Dramaticly different GEL!! NOT LOTION, but GEL :D the diff is the lotion is more hydrating thus more oily based and the gel is really for oily people like me and you :D orr you can buy the clarifying moisturizing from clinique which dries up your face really nicely recommended for people with oily and acne prone skin!

Peacock eel fed with wardley shrimp pellets? ?

I have no way of getting bloodworms or anything like that for months. These are the closest thing I can find that sink. The crude protien is 30%, the crude fat is 3%, the crude fiber is 10%, the moisture is 10%, and the vitamin C is 100 mg. Is this a good diet for him?

What do you eat before you go jogging?

I usually go jogging in the morning 30 minutes after I have a healthy balanced breakfast. Or do you not eat at all?

Would spraying my wood siding with a hose cause moisture problems inside?

It should not in modern construction. There should be building paper or something underneath siding, and besides it should be laid so that water drips off and does not penetrate - after all, it is supposed to be resistant to wind-blown rain.

Cat Food and the Guaranteed Analysis?

I'm looking for a great cat food brand. I've done research, and I understand that the quality of the brand and the protein has to do with reputation and reviews and recalls. I understand dry matter calculations and the importance of the ingredients (what you want and don't want in a cat food). I understand that it's essential to have things like protein, fat, vitamins, taurine, and other minerals in their food. However, when reading the labels, some of the percentages seem VERY similar. For example, magnesium, when rounded to one decimal place, is usually about .1. Fiber seems to be between 1 and 5. I know that more omega 6 and 3 fatty acids are good for health of coat and skin and other developmental things for cats. However, I'm not sure what to think about fiber and taurine content and things like sodium, calcium, arginine, etc. What's high? What's low? What's a big difference and what's a small difference? Is more less? Is less more? Is there an ideal range? I need actually numbers, and that's the only thing I cannot seem to find ANYWHERE. For example, let's say I want to compare two cat foods. One has 1.3 % fiber, one had %4. Cats don't NEED fiber, but it aids digestion somewhat and a small amount is good. So is 5 still a small amount, or is that considered high? And if it's not, is it better to go with the 1.3 than the 4? Calcium is even worse, since they seem to be just between 1 and 3. Is it just important that it's included, or should I really be looking that closely at the numbers other than fat, moisture, and protein? I get that there are other important factors, but I want to understand the numbers I'm reading when I look at the products. Somebody help!

Can you use a body head on a Clarisonic Mia?

Thinking about getting a Clarisonic to smooth down my kp. My dermatologist said I need a body brush head, and I was wondering if I could use that attachment on the Clarisonic Mia. Thanks!

How am I doing on my diet so far?

You're definitely not eating enough. You should probably eat around 1200 calories a day if you want to lose weight. WHAT you're eating is good, but add more vegetables and fruit. Other than that, congrats doing this.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to start a ml320 1998 that won't?

i just received my 1998 ML320 from florida,the car wouldn't start since it got of the boat,i thought it was gas since they always take out the gas for safety so i put 5 gal in it,when i start the vehicle it just starts and then shuts off instantly,i've checked the fuel pump seems to work,fuses ok,need help,since it came from a two day trip on sea,friends say it might be moisture in the air flow meter,i even spray a little bit of carb cleaner in the intake hose while trying to start and it seems that it wanted to start but instead of shutting down instantly,it waited about 2 sec.

My hair is chipping off?

Ever since I dyed my hair (around 2-3 months ago now) the ends of my hair have been chipping off. No it's not my split ends before you tell me to cut them off because I have my hair cut regularly and I use heat protection every time I use heat on my hair which isn't very often anyway. I deep condition it every 2 weeks and I use Treseme luxurious moisture shampoo and conditioner. It's only on one side of my hair though :s it's causing it to look uneven as one side is now longer than the other! Please help :(

What if a potassium chlorate sample is contaminated with moisture?

What if a potassium chlorate sample is contaminated with moisture? Would an analysis show the experimental % oxygen be higher or lower than the theoretical % oxygen? Please explain.

OK to eat 6 month expired whey protein powder?

I stopped lifting weights for awhile and my protein powder expired. It was kept in my closet, so it has been in a cool and dark place. Also no moisture has gotten in so it hasn't clumped. I assume it might just start degrading a little and would still be fine to eat but wasn't sure. Internet search didn't really provide a definite answer. And since its derived from dairy. Has anyone eaten expired protein powder? Make you sick? Thanks.

Does wearing my hair pen in a french roll a good lose style everyday if I'm tryng to let it grow long or does?

The reason why I'm asking is because I'm just curious about if it is healthy and simple on the hair with less stress. I wear my hair pen up in a light french roll most of the time (daily) now. I may even wear a long ponytail piece with pens to hold it place. I wear this way because there times that I do NOT want to wear my short hair out!... I usually use some of Lusti-Pink Oil Moisture to keep it soft and protect from breakage or damage. If anyone knows something better Please feel free to response if you have any other suggestions. Thank you for your time!

Can i go above what my height is suppose to be?

I know people are going to say its based on genetics but im just curious. My dad is 6 foot and my mom is 5'6. Im a guy that is 16 years old i play basketball and track and im 5'9. i want to be taller than my dad but not like shaq tall. I lift weights on a regular basis, i've been eating protein with other food and i've gained about 10 pounds so far (im trying to turn it into mainly muscle) and i have been drinking milk everyday since summer started (2 cups in the morning for breakfast and 2 cups before bed). I've read that people hit a growth spurt around my age and some people even hit a growth spurt in college. I know im still in puberty and i still have more years to grow but based on what i have said do you think it is possible i can grow any taller that my dad?

Frizzy, coarse, crunchy!!!!?

I recommend Pro Naturals Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment with Heat Protector, it helps strengthen the hair that's prone to breakage, splitting or snapping off, gently smoothes the hair and form a protective mist on surface against heat damage, reduces friction from brushing, reduces the frizz and helps prevent further damage, leaves hair healthy, shiny and resilient. Check it out at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . Hope it helps.

I can't seem to lose weight or keep it off.. unique situation?

hi, I had this same trouble for ages that it was hopeless. I followed all kind of diet plan but nothing works. Until I stumpled upon this website, I had my doubts at first but I felt there was nothing to lose. I saw results after 2 weeks, but I was amazing. After that first drop of weight, which was great for my confidence, I worked on developing good diet to keep off the weight. I couldn't believe I hadnt found this earlier. Here's the life changing website:

How to heal a sunburn without aloe?

i hate aloe. i need to heal this burn asap! it hurts so bad to walk or move my head (neck is burnt). Will lotion do the job? I know moisture is good.

KP issues... Socially and mentally.?

I have had KP since I was born and everybody made fun of me at school and it really lowered my self esteem, and I don't have any. I constantly agree with all the bad things people say about me and it helps me, in a way, feel safer. I haven't felt good about myself in a positive manner since before I entered school. I've been constantly picked on and put down and felt like **** because of my skin disorder and it really has taken a toll on me. I began experimenting in drugs and alcohol; I fear it'll only get worse. I don't see myself living because it is of course a very shallow world, and if you don't look good, you're not... Liked. And all my life, that's all I wanted. Now, I met a guy outside of school and I really, really like him. He's the first person I've ever really liked and he likes me too, but I hide my skin, so if he sees it, it might scare him away. And I know no one will ever want me because of my skin, but I really like him, like I said. He really makes me happier and optimistic and without him, I'd be a pessimistic ******, to be honest. He invited me to a party and it's a swimming pool one. I feel so bad about it. I don't know how to hide my skin and I don't want to feel ugly like I usually do. I really want to have clear skin. How do I make it go away so that it isn't noticeable?

Is a low low carb and high protein diet good for weight loss and getting a flatter stomach?

For example in a typical day I would have egg whites or yogurt for breakfast, salad with chicken or fish for lunch, and vegetables with fish or chicken for dinner, and for snacks lots of fruits and almonds and stuff. Would this be good for weight loss and getting a smaller flat stomach?

For the reaction NH4Br(s) -> NH3(g) + HBr(g), why is the change of "n" = 2?

In these problems "n" refers to the moles of gases present. Since the reactant is a solid and both products are gases, change in n = 2 - 0 = 2

Do you think I will lose weight eating like this ?

maybe for a snack only have one slice of bread or half a slice because too many carbs will make you gain weight. try not to have similar meal in the same day, you will get too much of the nutrients that's in that meal which isn't a good thing. fruits that are white on the inside(apples, bananas, peaches...) have more calories, so other fruits like oranges or plums would be a better choice if you eat it that often. try having a salad with seasoned-rice vinegar instead of dressing would be good to pair with a meal since it fills you up and is very low in calories, fat, sugar, ect. hope this helps!

Interesting omelet ideas please?

I want to start eating breakfast in the morning. I was wanting to find some good omelet ideas. I need some help on being creative. My only restriction is that I hate onions and bell peppers. Does anyone know any good, creative, and tasty omelet ideas that do not include those two ingredients?

Who are the communists?

While academic leftists, and I'd include their media allies, are not communists, they are anti-anti-communists. In other words, they have contempt for right-wingers, conservatives or libertarians who are anti-communists. Why... Academic leftists, and their media allies, are in agreement with many of the stated goals of communism, such as equal distribution of wealth, income equality and other goals spelled out in Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' "Manifesto of the Communist Party." Leftist elites love the ideas of communism so much that they are either blind to, or tolerant of, its many shortcomings.

I need help with my hair?

My hair is getting more and more dry every day. What can I use on it so that it can restore it's moisture and softness? My hair is naturally wavy and alittle bit curly on some ends

Outer corner of my eye is split?

A long time ago I had something hit my eye and the outer corner (closest to my ear) split. Now it looks like a V. The same thing happened to my other eye. I doesn't hurt but when I blink the moisture goes in the split. Never a problem, until I started wearing makeup. I can't put any eye liner near it because it leaks off. I've tried every type of eye liner. Is this normal for my eyes to have a corner split? How can I fix it?

Chemistry help please?

both the gas constant are correct but is given in different unit of measurement. just try once more reviewing the formula once. some times some formula do not work to find the exact value, i mean there are more than a formula for the same Kp. there are many cases in chemistry. so just do once and be confidence with your answer. converting temperature to kelvin is true because it is the standard unit to measure temperature

Oily skin question???

Is it possible for your skin to become extremely oily due to a lack of moisture? I use neutrogena acne wash and it makes my skin very dry. I was wondering if it is possible that my skin is oily in response to being dried out. My skin is so oily that I have to blot within 2 hours of washing my face. I read that your skin is only oily because it needs to be, is that true?

My Ex is cheating on her new guy with me. what should i do?

Ok so like 6 mouths ago I broke up with her but we were still together like sleeping with each other, we were always arguing after we broke up cause she wanted me to get back with her but i keeped telling wait till summer starts up so i dont have the stress of school when im starting a relationship. During the time that we werent dating i didnt hook up with any girls but a couple tried and i pushed them off I even told one of my friends i wasnt going to prom with her cause i still loved my ex and my ex knows i said that. we still tell each other we love each other. about a mouth ago she met this guy at work and started hanging out with him. i didnt like it but i didnt make a big deal out of it. 2 nights ago she was talking to both of us over skype in a 3way conversation and we told her to pick. and when we did that she said i dont want you to hurt me so im going to pick him. at this point my heart completly shattered. I've been telling her how much i love her so much and how i would never hurt her again for the past 2 mouths but she still cant seem to trust me. The next morning after she picked him we had plans for breakfast (made before she picked him) but I told her theres no point but she insisted that we hung out. we hung out from 10 to 10 all day and did multiple things it started a little awkward but then our natural attraction took over and we went back to how we always were. we made out pretty much all day and were being very sexual when i told her i was getting my yin yang tattoo covered up cause i thought it could represent me and her she told me let it push me to try harder to get her. after that we went to her house and we almost had sex but she was on her period. the thing is i said you should probably tell him whats going on but she said she wont, but i want to be with her so bad and she cheats on him with me should i just tell him and avoid more heart break for him and so i can get my girl back. i could honestly say i could see myself spending the rest of my life with this girl.

TRESemme Moisture Rich Vitamin E shampoo ?

Purchased it yesterday, washing hair tomorrow and just wanted to know if it works . Couldn't find the TRESemme Naturals at my CVS store so I just went with this. Does it work well ?

Monday, July 11, 2011

What should I do about this!? So insecure! 10 pts?

Well im insecure about my butt. I'm a girl and i'm really pretty actually but im soo insecure about my butt. I don't have much of a butt and i have some light stretch marks on the bottom of it. also i have KP on it not too bad but its definetly noticeable and occasionally ill get pimples/acne on it. Is there anything i should do? its not like WOAH HOLY **** HER *** IS UGLY. but like not necessarly that sexy in my eyes..what do you guys thinkk?

Keratosis pilaris cure?

No cure though some grow out of it. Those moisturizers that contain lactic acid (like those above), salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acid or urea may soften and exfoliate the KP well enough to clear it. Have to keep using it though.

Is it safe to store hay at ground level on large sheets of rubber? Looking to get away from stacking on pallet?

I have access to large rubber sheet (20' X 60') and would like to begin storing my hay on them; basically lay the rubber sheets on the floor and then stack the hay on it. I thought this would prevent the moisture from coming up from the ground and molding my hay and remove the issues with walking on pallets. Has anyone ever stored hay on sheets of rubber before?

Should i do cardio everyday?

im 16 years old and i would like to gain muscle and burn fat at the same time so ive been lifting for over a year now and have a good built body, now i would like to cut some fat off!!! i do 20 mins of cardio after i lift and i lift 4days a week but i dont do the extreme diet plans like eat this many grams of protein,carbs,fats etc, i eat whatever i can grab from fast food 1-2 times a week to sleeping in and skipping breakfast(rarely) i just want to know if i should get on those diet plans of eating just rice,grains,tuna,turkey,sweet potatoes, etc and do 20 minutes of cardio daily. to get super lean but i dont also want to be a bodybuilder so that is why i dont do the xtreme diets. anyone help plz i need guidance!!!!!