Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Should I cut down on her milk feeds?

My little one will be a year old on July 15 and is still not eating very well. She has a 200ml (7 fl oz) when she wakens around 6.30am, a bottle at 10am (180ml/6.5 fl oz), lunch at 12pm (pureed food and a yoghurt) at 1.30pm she has another 200ml bottle then at 4pm she has another bottle (about 150ml) and then her dinner at 5.30 (again pureed food with fromage frais or fruit) and then a 200ml bottle before bed at 7.30pm. I try to give her breakfast of baby cereal, weetabix or ready brek (contacted the makers to ask if it was okay for a baby and it is) but she won't always take it, at 10am I try to give her fruit but again, she won't always take any, she has her lunch okay but not very much and dinner time isn't really a problem. She won't eat textured foods, only purees (she has three bottom teeth and four top teeth) but I feel she's not eating enough for her age. My 2 year old was on table foods at the same stage and was still breastfeeding (my 11 month old stopped wanting the breast at 10.5 months). Should I cut down on her milk intake to see if she eats more solids. i've tried her with finger foods too but she just puts them in her mouth then spits it out again, she will eat bread/toast though. Any help would be appreciated, this is all new to me!

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