Thursday, July 14, 2011

IPod touch got wet and doesn't work? Where can I get repairs done?

I recently forgot my iPod out in the rain for a little over 5 minutes. It had a hole in the bottom corner from when I dropped it a couple months ago but it still worked fine. After I realized i left my ipod out, i quickly brought it in, dried it with a towel and turned it on to see if it was still working, and it was. When I got home a couple hours later, I wanted to check my iPod for something, and it wouldn't turn on. I figured that the battery must've been dead so I plugged it in to the charger and nothing happened, i tried to plug it in to the computer and that didn't work either since iTunes didn't pick it up. I left it in a bucket of uncooked rice for 24 hours to see if that could get any of the moisture out, but when I tried to turn it on.. nothing. Are there places where I could get the iPod fixed because there's a lot of stuff saved on my iPod that i'd hate to lose :\ I hadn't synced my iPod to my computer for months so I got a lot of songs and apps that aren't saved to my iTunes on my laptop. Would it be easier to just get a new iPod or is there still hope for this one? Would Best Buy be able to fix it? (my apple warranty expired about 9 months ago, so I would paying for these repairs out of pocket)

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