Friday, July 15, 2011

Please help me lose belly fat fast? I need to for my health?

Okay so i think i eat pretty healthy. I dont go out to eat. I eat eggs and meat. I excercise. I even bought the workout insanity to help me lost all this belly fat. But i just cant lose it. I have toned arms and legs but alot of belly fat. Like i dont get it. What am i doing wrong. I mean i eat late at night but its not like its a whole meal i eat. I'll like suger free frosted flakes with splenda and low fat milk.. I exercise 3 times a week. And when i excersice i go hard. I sweat till im dripping sweat. I keep working out till i wanna vomite. I mean i eat 3 meals a day. Lunch, breakfast, dinner. Something i think i over eat but i dont know. And if i eat bread its only 2 and no more. I gotta be honest i dont drink much water. But im dying to lose this huge gut. I wanna starve my self so it can go away. Its so embarrsing. I really wanna lose it. I dont wanna six pack i just dont want belly fat. Please any tips, meal plans, excerise tips, workout movves. Anything will work. Please. I dont want this body. I want a new one. Im dying for help. Please somebody help. Please :)

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